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To: Campus Finance Unit Leads and University Business Managers
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager and John Medlin, Procurement Services Operations Officer

As reminder, we recently conducted two Concur demonstration sessions and provided time for questions.  A recording of the March 23 overview and demonstration of the new travel system and complete transcript of questions and answers can be found on the Travel Services Website,
Get Help Page, under “Concur Training Resources.”  In the next few days, we will provide access to training resources such as computer-based trainings (CBTs), a Step-By-Step Guide, Quick Reference Cards (QRCs), the T&E Card Handbook, and updated policies.  We encourage you to review them as soon they are made available.  We are scheduling a few drop-in Q&A sessions to allow you time to ask questions based on what you will have reviewed in these materials.

Drop-in sessions will be available next week at the following times, no registration is required.

If you are not able to attend, you may submit questions via email to the Travel Services Team.  All questions submitted via email and asked during the drop-in sessions will be documented for later review.

In addition, if you would like to schedule a dedicated Q&A session for your department or unit, please contact the Travel Services Team to arrange.

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