Action required by Friday, Feb. 5, 2021
To: Department of Finance
From: Jena Kiser, Human Resource Specialist, Service Center of Excellence, Finance & Operations
This is a reminder that Secondary Employment forms should be submitted for any full-time SHRA employee who plans to engage in secondary employment with another employer that is not the University or another State Agency. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that an employee’s secondary employment does not have an adverse effect on the employee’s primary employment with UNC-Chapel Hill and does not create a conflict of interest. An employee must notify his/her supervisor and submit a Secondary Employment Form for approval prior to engaging in secondary employment. In addition, each January, an employee who is continuing secondary employment must submit an updated form to his/her supervisor.
The supervisor must assess the impact of the secondary employment to ensure that it does not:
- Create either directly or indirectly a conflict of interest with the employee’s primary employment; or
- Have an impact on or create any possibility of conflict with State operations; or
- Impair in any way the employee’s ability to perform all expected duties, or to make decisions and carry out in an objective fashion the responsibilities of the employee’s position.
Completed Secondary Employment Request Forms should be sent to me by Friday, Feb. 5, 2021.
EHRA Non-Faculty employees are subject to the UNC System Office’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Commitment, and should self-report “External Professional Activities for Pay” (EPAP) by filing a “Notice of Intent to Engage in EPAP” request through the online system found at: This form must be filed at least 10 days before engaging in the external activity.
Employees who do not have secondary employment do not need to return a form.