To: University Business Managers, Campus Finance Unit Leads, OSR Communications
From: Janet Rupert, Director and Justin Hanford, Voucher Team Supervisor, Accounts Payable and Vendor Services
Due to an increase in employee reimbursements and unauthorized purchases, we would like to remind campus to review 1227 – Policy on Unauthorized Purchases and 1251 – Small Order Policy regarding purchases through personal funds. Any work-related purchase must go through the appropriate procurement channels. It is against policy for an employee to purchase an item with personal funds and then request reimbursement.
To reinforce this policy, we will be requesting that sales tax be removed from any employee reimbursement in which the employee bypassed available UNC procurement methods. The University is tax-exempt and should not be subject to paying sales tax as a result of these types of purchases. The University is also unable to track vendor pay when purchases are made in this manner.
Please alert your department to the above guidelines and review the polices noted above with relevant staff.