To: TIM Administrators, Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers, Human Resource Managers
From: TIM Support
As many of you are aware, Adobe Flash Player is a software application used by the Time Information Management (TIM) system. Adobe Flash is set to expire at the end of December 2020. TIM will be updated to a version that is Flash-free the weekend of October 17, 2020. After the update, users will no longer be prompted to run Flash.
Employees. For employees, there will be no change to the way in which employees use TIM: everything will operate the same.
TIM Managers and Administrators. The only change identified in the upgrade is the location of the link used by TIM Managers and Administrators to open their timecards. We will be emailing a Quick Reference Card early next week that shows the new location of the link directly to TIM Managers and Administrators for your reference.
The planned outage for the TIM update is scheduled for the weekend of October 17-18, with an expected “Go Live” on Monday, October 19. We will send out reminders and communicate any additional information you will need to know before the TIM update goes live.
Please contact 962-HELP (4357) for assistance with all technical issues related to TIM.