I would like to thank you all for your hard work on the budget process for 2019-2020. Presentations begin next week, and these conversations are even more critical as we consider the long-term impacts of COVID-19 to units and overall campus finances. As the academic year gets underway, I want to remind everyone to keep a careful eye on spending and to continue recording your COVID-19 expenditures. Keeping detailed and up-to-date records not only helps us to manage for the future, it will enable us to apply for funding relief.
The pivot to remote learning for undergraduate instruction reemphasized the necessity for a holistic view of campus finances, and for innovative approaches to our financial management. The efforts we’ve taken through expense tracking, the MCU Process and centralized procurement for CPE continue to positively impact university expenditures. As we navigate the economic downturn we must remain intentional. There are still challenges ahead of us and the way through requires communication and teamwork to preserve our institution and carry out its mission. I appreciate your flexibility and focus especially as we move into the new fiscal year.