To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
The attached document, COVID-19 and TIM June 9th provides relevant information about the Special Leave Provision changes effective June 1 and CDME Banked Onsite Payout, which is due today for biweekly employees.
The ‘Special Leave Provision Changes Effective June 1’ section includes instructions on how to use a new hyperfind to identify employees that have over the maximum amount of Administrative Absence hours allowed. This should be used on a weekly basis starting with June 1 – June 7.
The ‘Payout Out CDME OnSite Banked Hours’ section has been updated for both biweekly and monthly employees.
- For biweekly employees that have not been paid out yet, their CDME banked payout hours must be entered in the timecard on June 7 and is due by 5 p.m. today, June 9.
- Monthly employees’ CDME banked payout hours must be entered in their timecards on May 31 and is due by 5 p.m. on June 15.
Also attached is the latest version of the FFCRA calculator, ‘FFCRA and Admin Leave Calculator Post June 1v2. It has been updated so that it can be used with older versions of Excel.
For Additional Guidance
- Please review to the updated HR COVID FAQ, for more detailed information about COVID-19 and the special leave provision.
- Please review the HR FFCRA page, for detailed information about the Federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).