To: University Business Managers (UBM), Campus Unit Finance Leads, RASG
From: Travis Henderson, Director of Procurement Services and Janet Rupert, Director of Accounts Payable and Travel Services
We are seeing an increased number of personal reimbursements on campus vouchers for restaurant, catering, and supplies purchases. Feedback gathered from Operational Excellence suggests that people are reluctant to use their P-Cards if a restaurant or supplier fails to remove sales tax from their purchase.
Our P-Card spend data is analyzed for sales taxes paid. We are aggregating data from merchants that are struggling with how to process transactions as sales tax-exempt or refuse to do so. This data is very important since it will allow Procurement Services to educate and negotiate with commonly used suppliers, so please continue to use your P-Card per the Operational Excellence purchasing decision tree for all possible transactions.
Our guidance: Prior to ordering, inform the merchant that you are making a university purchase and will need to have the sales tax removed. As a reminder, the university’s tax ID number is available on the front of your P-Card should the merchant request that information. If the merchant is unable or unwilling to remove the sales tax, either shop elsewhere or make the purchase and work with your business office to have the sales tax credited after the fact.
Thank you!