Please see the corrected version of this memo below:
August 5, 2019
To: Campus Unit Financial Leads (CUFL), University Business Managers (UBM) and RASG
From: Janet Rupert, Director, Accounts Payable and Travel Services and Missy Wilson-Grissom, Travel Team Lead Technician
In July, Travel Services completed an overhaul of the 1300s Travel Policies section as part of the Provost’s Operational Excellence initiative. Working with their recommendations, Travel Team Lead Technician Missy Wilson-Grissom worked with Janet Rupert to streamline the 1300 section, removing duplication and providing clarity as the University moves forward to better services and processes in this area.
To avoid confusion with the old policy format, the team updated the numbering system to 1500s – the 1300s numbering will now be retired for all travel policies, procedures and forms. Although the organization and language of the 1500s are more efficient and clearer, none of these changes will affect the way travel is processed on campus, except that you should use the new forms of the 1500 series.
The changes are as follows. Please update your bookmarks and forms, and make sure that you are working from current Policy/Procedure items:
- 1501 – Policy on Business Travel (Previously 1301 and 1303)
- 1502 – Policy on Allowable Travel Expenses, Lodging, and Per Diem Rates
- 1502.1 – Procedure on Excess Lodging Justification, Third-Party Lodging, and Group Travel
- 1502.1.1f – Excess Lodging Justification
- 1502.1.2f – Non-Hotel Lodging Authorization Request
- 1502.1.3f – Group Travel Form
- 1503 – Policy on Travel Advances Reimbursements (Previously 1304 and 1308.1)
- 1503.1 – Procedure for Travel Advances and Reimbursements
- 1503.1.1f – Senior University Administrator Travel and Reimbursement Authorization
- 1503.1.2f – Student Non-Employee Travel Agreement
- 1504 – Travel Policy on Transportation Including Mileage Rates (Previously 1310 and 1304.2)
- 1504.1 – Procedure for Multiple Day Trips
- 1504.2 – Procedure for Purchasing an Airfare Ticket
- 1505 – Policy on Business travel Program
- 1505.1 – Procedure on Applying for a Diner’s Club Card
- 1505.1f – Diners Club Application Form
All Policies and Procedures went live Friday, August 2. Thank you for your help in the updates.