To: University Employees
From: Payroll Services and TIM Support
Date: July 24, 2018
This is a reminder that a Time Information Management (TIM) outage and system update is expected to take place beginning Friday, July 27. The system will be down from 6 p.m., Friday, July 27 until Noon, Sunday, July 29.
* The actions that you do in TIM today and the way you access TIM will remain the same. *
During the outage
TIM will be offline during this time, although badge terminals will continue to work during the outage.
Employees using Time Stamp will not be able to login to TIM to record their times worked.
* All times in and out worked during the outage window must be submitted to the TIM Manager or TIM Administrator for manual entry on Monday, July 30. *
Employees using Badge Terminals will be able to swipe in and out for worked hours during the outage. Functions such as View Timecard Totals, View Accrual Balances, and Time Off Notifications will not be available during the outage period.
* Times in and out should be checked by the TIM Manager or TIM Administrator on Monday, July 30 to ensure they are correct. *
Employees using Teletime will not be able to call in to the phone system to record times worked during the extended Teletime outage window.
* All times in and out worked during the outage window must be submitted to the TIM Manager or TIM Administrator for manual entry on July 30. *
SHRA Non-Exempt Employees using Manual Time Entry and SHRA and EHRA Exempt employees will not be able to log into the TIM system during the outage window.
* SHRA Non-Exempt and SHRA and EHRA Exempt employees will be able to enter all of their TIM data on Monday, July 30. *
TIM access
After the TIM outage is complete and TIM is back online, there are still two ways to log into TIM: through the ConnectCarolina SelfService menu or by using the direct link.
Direct link (
When you go to the direct link (, the log-in screen you are used to seeing will be different — you will be directed to the Single Sign On (SSO) page, which looks the same as the ConnectCarolina SSO page. You will log in using your Onyen and Onyen password as usual and you will be logged into TIM.
ConnectCarolina SelfService menu
You won’t need to enter your user name and password a second time when you click the TIM link in ConnectCarolina SelfService. The Single Sign On information you entered to get into ConnectCarolina will pass through to TIM. 2-Step Authentication will not be required to log into TIM using either method.
Update support
Please contact 919-962-HELP (4357) for assistance with all technical issues related to TIM.
This message is sponsored by: Payroll Services and TIM Support