To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
The information below, “Biweekly 14 Reminders, January 2018” provides information on the Holidays, University Closed Day, and Adverse Weather that happened during Biweekly 14 (12/25 – 1/7):
TIM Adverse Weather Information, January 2018
Adverse Weather Conditions Declared in Week 2 (1/1 – 1/7) of Biweekly 14
Condition 2 – was in effect from 1:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 4
Condition 1 – was in effect from 5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 4 until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, January 5
Accounting for Missed Work during Condition 1
- No Adverse Weather pay codes are used in TIM to account for hours not worked or worked during Adverse Weather Condition 1. Employees will record any hours worked as usual and will use their own leave for missed hours during Condition 1.
- If no leave is available, SHRA Non-Exempt employees will not enter anything in TIM for the hours missed and will not be paid for those hours. For SHRA Exempt employees, a Dock in Pay action in ConnectCarolina via the Lump Sum ePAR must be processed. Please contact the ConnectCarolina help desk if you need assistance.
Accounting for Missed Work during Condition 2
- Employees who are already out on approved leave will record the approved leave taken hours.
- If approved by the supervisor, the employee may work off-site during Condition 2 or work additional hours that week to make up for the hours missed.
- For missed work, record leave hours taken. Compensatory time, if available, must be recorded first.
- Only if approved, you may select the ‘Adverse Weather Cond II Owed’ pay code and enter the missed hours during Condition 2. The employee will be paid for those hours and the hours will appear as a negative amount in Adverse Weather Cond II Owed in the Accruals tab of the timecard. Owed hours must be paid back within 90 days from the date it is owed. Managers temporarily have access to this pay code in TIM.
- Adverse Weather Owed hours cannot give the employee more hours than they would work normally in a week. Adverse Weather Owed hours should be reduced/offset by any hours worked in the week and by the Holiday hours on Monday, Jan. 1. Holiday hours for eligible employees should not be reduced or altered in the timecard.
- Otherwise, SHRA Non-Exempt employees will not enter anything in TIM for the hours missed and will not be paid for those hours. For SHRA Exempt employees, a Dock in Pay action in ConnectCarolina via the Lump Sum ePAR must be processed. Please contact the ConnectCarolina help desk if you need assistance.
Accounting for Hours Worked by SHRA Non-Exempt ‘Severe Weather Essential’ Employees during Condition 2
- Hours worked by a designated SHRA Non-Exempt severe weather essential employee during the Adverse Weather Condition 2 timeframe should be recorded normally. The employee’s times in and out must be captured or entered in their timecards. This will ensure the employee is paid for their hours worked and those hours are included in any overtime calculation.
- Then, select the ‘Adverse Weather III ETO ER Emp’ pay code and enter the amount of hours worked during the Condition 2 timeframe only (1:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 4) in the timecard in TIM. This will ensure the severe weather essential employee is granted Adverse Weather ETO hours in the accruals tab in TIM. This pay code will NOT pay the employee for hours worked. Managers temporarily have access to this pay code in TIM.
- ‘Severe Weather Essential’ must be indicated on the SHRA Non-Exempt employee’s record in ConnectCarolina in order to receive Adverse Weather ETO hours in TIM. Please contact the ConnectCarolina help desk if you need assistance.
- SHRA Exempt severe weather essential employees are not eligible for Adverse Weather ETO.
Adverse Weather Accruals in TIM (in the Accruals tab of the timecard)
Adverse Weather Owed– Negative owed amounts appear in the Adverse Weather Owed accrual on the date they are owed and move into the Adverse Weather Expired accrual after 90 days. The negative owed balance reflects all hours owed within the past 90 days. Adverse Weather Owed hours are not offset or reduced by repaid hours.
Adverse Weather Repaid– Hours paid back will appear in the Adverse Weather Repaid accrual on the date they are entered in the timecard and will move into the Adverse Weather Expired accrual 1 day later. Repaid hours do not reduce the Adverse Weather Owed hours.
Adverse Weather Expired- Only after all of the negative Adverse Weather Owed hours move into Expired and all of the hours have been repaid, will the Expired balance will have 0.00 hours.
- The objective is to have a positive amount in the Adverse Weather Expired accrual that is equal to the
negative amount in the Adverse Weather Owed accrual before the 90 day deadline.
Adverse Weather Balances after 8 Hours of Payback
- Expired 8 hours
- Owed -8 hours
- Repaid 0 hours
Adverse Weather Balances after 90 days-
- Expired 0 hours
- Owed 0 hours
- Repaid 0 hours
Paying Back Adverse Weather Owed (after Biweekly 14 has closed)
Payback from Hours Worked
Do not enter the times in/out or hours worked to payback Adverse Weather Owed in the timecard as you have done in the past. If the hours worked are already entered in the timecard, you will need to remove them.
Instead, select the ‘Adverse Weather Cond II Paybk’ pay code and enter the amount of hours worked on that date to payback Owed hours. This entry puts hours into the Adverse Weather Repaid accrual and one day later, moves the hours to the Adverse Weather Expired accrual. This entry does not impact the Adverse Weather Owed accrual balance.
Payback from an Accrual Balance in TIM
Select the pay code listed below to be used for payback and enter the hours in the timecard. This entry takes the hours from the accrual and adds them into the Adverse Weather Repaid accrual. One day later, the hours move into Adverse Weather Expired accrual in TIM. This entry does not impact the Adverse Weather Owed accrual balance.
- Adverse Weather Paybk-AW ETO
- Adverse Weather Paybk-Award PTO
- Adverse Weather Paybk-Bonus
- Adverse Weather Paybk-Comp Time
- Adverse Weather Paybk-HOL ETO
- Adverse Weather Paybk-Travel ETO
- Adverse Weather Paybk-Vacation
Adverse Weather Assistance
Please refer to the HR Policy for more Adverse Weather information and contact the HR department if you have any policy-related questions. Please email directly with TIM ‘how to’ questions.