To: University Business Managers, MOU Financial Leads
From: Aimee L. Turner, Executive Director of Enterprise Financial Accounting and University Controller
Each year a financial audit of the University is conducted by the NC Office of the State Auditor. The state auditors will be on site beginning August 25 for their work as part of the financial audit of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. The year-end work associated with the single audit related to federal expenditures will begin after the financial audit.
Although the Controller’s Office serves as a central contact point for the financial audit and interacts extensively with the state audit staff, there are occasions when state audit staff members contact campus departmental staff directly.
My purpose is to provide notice that as part of their regularly-scheduled audit work, a state auditor staff member may contact you or a member of your campus unit. The state auditors may inquire about departmental processes to gain a better understanding of University internal controls, or may request information from you as part of their regular audit.
These contacts are routinely made each year, but hopefully this advance notice will be useful. Should you have any questions, please contact us at Thanks.