To: University Business Managers
From: Andy Johns, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
You may have heard that the new PI Dashboard is projected to rollout in September. Based on feedback from Principal Investigators across campus, the new Dashboard provides a “snapshot” of grant funding and expenses, including salary projections, at both the award level and the project level. The information on the Dashboard is pulled directly from ConnectCarolina.
Four things that you’ll like on the new PI Dashboard:
- As a research administrator, you can see the same view that your PI sees.
- The salary projections are accurate based on the data in ConnectCarolina.
- The numbers come from the General Ledger, so they are more stable.
- OSR can see the same view that the PIs and Research Administrators see, making it easier to troubleshoot.
What should you do now?
Although you can’t yet see the new PI Dashboard, you can:
- Review the attached Quick Reference Cards which provide a “sneak peek” at the Dashboard to familiarize yourself with the dashboard.
- Make the changes in the system that need to be made. The dashboard can only pull from the data in the system so it’s best to make sure the data is as up to date as possible. You may find the Research Administrator Checklist on the For Research Admins – Working with PI Dashboard QRC useful.
In the next few weeks, be on the lookout for additional PI Dashboard information on