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To: MOU Financial leads, Finance Council members, University Business Managers
From:   Janet Kelly-Scholle, Assoc. Director, Marketing and Communications, Finance & Administration

Last Friday we launched a redesigned website for Finance, which represents months of close collaboration between Finance leadership and the Finance and Administration communications team, with suggestions from Finance Council members.

Some things are the same, for instance the URL is still But we’ve made some improvements that we think you will really like.

First and foremost, the website is now responsive and scalable: you can now get the info you need whenever you need it – whether on a mobile device, laptop or desktop. Additional key features of this site include:

  • a focus on function using icons to direct you to info you need quickly,
  • a full staff listing of everyone in Finance in one location,
  • more cross-references for easy access to policies and procedures and
  • a Finance and Administration twitter feed of current F&A happenings.

The navigation for the new website differs from our former site – so be sure to update any previously bookmarked Finance pages. 

For more info on the features of the new website, check out our Welcome page. The welcome information provides an overview of what’s new, but that may not be enough info.  If you still can’t find what you need, tell us so we can further improve site navigation.

Thanks for your patience during this transition. If you have suggestions or questions, please let us know.

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