August EHRA Termination Payout Deadline
- For EHRA terminations occurring between August 1 and August 31, leave payouts to be paid to the employee in August must be entered in TIM by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 22, 2016.
Please note:
- EHRA terminations that will be effective in the current month must be entered in TIM by the published deadline and they must be entered on August dates in the timecard.
- August timecard entries made in TIM after 5 p.m. on August 22 will not be extracted to Payroll.
- For EHRA Non-Faculty employees transferring into another EPA Non-Faculty position in a different department, leave payouts should be entered in TIM. To ensure leave payout hours are paid from the terminating department, indicate that information on a Payroll Exception Sheet.
- Terminating EHRA Non-Faculty employees that have an active EPA Faculty position in ConnectCarolina (even if they are on a zero base rate) or are transferring into a SHRA Temporary or Student position, will need to have a Payroll Exception Sheet submitted instead.
- Note: For terminated EHRA employees only, if leave payouts are not entered in TIM by the deadline (8/22/16), the leave payouts may be entered on the first day of the following month (9/1/16). Those entries will be sent to payroll in September. Entries made in the timecard on August dates after the deadline (8/22/16) will not be extracted.
TIM Upgrade
In July, Kronos released a new set of features. It was determined that the new features were important enough that we should go live with the new release. There was not enough time to thoroughly test the new release and still go live in August.
The TIM Upgrade is scheduled to go live in Mid-October – Early November, 2016. This will enable us to implement the new release and to use the complex hire and rehire transactions in late August and early September in our testing. More information about the TIM Upgrade will be communicated in the coming months.
Upcoming TIM Administrator Training
Class for New TIM Administrators – see below for information about the upcoming TIM Administrator Training Class for new TIM Administrators. It will be held from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. This class is mandatory for new TIM Administrators.
New TIM Administrator Training ‐Leave and Timekeeping (Part 1&2)
Description: Time Information Management (TIM) provides tools to help you carefully track worked and non‐worked hours to ensure your employees are compensated appropriately. In this class you will learn how to:
- Navigate the TIM System
- Use Online Help
- Maintain Accrual Balances
- Identify and Enter Appropriate Pay Codes
- Generate and Print Reports
- Manage Employee Timecards
- Perform Signoff
- Manage Comp Time and Overtime
- Enter Historical Edits
- Active ONYEN and Password
- Submitted and been approved as TIM Administrator,
- Review all TIM Audit information on the TIM Administrator webpage webpage and recent TIM Announcements.
Important Information
- Attendance is Mandatory for New TIM Administrators
- TIM Administrators need to have a detailed understanding of the UNC‐CH Wage Hour and Leave Policies for SPA Non‐Exempt employees. These policies are located on the HR website
- Wage Hour ‐
- Leave ‐
- The most current TIM Administrator Manual Parts 1 and 2 are located here, - If you have never used TIM before or you are unsure about how employees interact with TIM, please watch the Employee CBTs at
Next Class
Location: AOB Building 104 Airport Drive, Room 3101
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Hours: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Training Registration Web Page