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To:   MOU Financial Leads
Business Managers
Entire Finance Council

From:   Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Subject:      Enhanced Functionality for viewing Accounts Payable Voucher attachments

Based on feedback from campus, we are activating functionality so campus users can see voucher attachments for 90 days.  Enhanced reporting users, who have been identified by MOU Financial Leads, have access indefinitely.

On Tuesday, April 5, the revised AP Voucher will be live in ConnectCarolina Finance.  The process for attaching documents in Campus Voucher Create remains exactly the same and all page functionality looks the same. The difference to campus users with access to vouchers will be the ability to see attachments for the purpose of reconciliations for 90 days AFTER the date of payment.

Users with access can view attachments through the Campus Voucher Entry path or the Regular Entry path (view only).  Campus users that have the role of enhanced reporting user assigned by their MOU will have the ability to see voucher attachments in perpetuity.

In the next couple days, MOU Financial Leads will be sent a list of enhanced reporting users in their department/school who have access.

Because of the new increased access to attachments, training on maintaining privacy of this information is required for everyone who creates or accesses vouchers. Initially, a new 10-minute CBT, Keeping Sensitive Information In Mind, is now required for everyone who uses or accesses vouchers.  Users will have three weeks (until April 26) to complete this training; and the training will be a requirement going forward for everyone who requests access to create or access vouchers in ConnectCarolina. If you create or access vouchers in ConnectCarolina, please complete the CBT as soon as possible so that you do not experience an interruption with your access.

Look for more information soon about the additional requirement to complete HIPAA training, which provides more detail about identifying sensitive, protected health-related information.  If you already complete annual HIPAA training as a member of a Covered Unit at UNC-CH or UNC-School of Medicine, proof of completion of that training will qualify for this requirement.

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