To: University Business Managers
MOU Financial Leads
Finance Council Members
HR Officers and Secondary Contacts
From: Brian Simet, Director, Payroll Services
2015 W-2s for ACTIVE employees will be available for pick up by the school/department’s designated staff member on Monday, Feb. 1, (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Please make arrangements to pick up W-2s in Payroll Services, Suite 3600, Administrative Office Building, 104 Airport Drive, and distribute to your active employees.
Also on Monday, Feb. 1, Business Managers should note that:
- All departments reporting to the College of Arts and Sciences should pick up W-2s from the Dean’s Office, Suite 205, South Building on Monday, Feb. 1, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
- School of Medicine units should pick up W-2s from SOM Human Resources.
2015 W-2s for INACTIVE employees will be mailed to the last known home address on file in ConnectCarolina by Feb. 1.
NEW for 2015
We have developed the online W-2 FAQs as a tool to help answer many of the frequently asked questions asked of your staff and Payroll Services staff concerning W-2s.
Access to 2015 W-2s via Self Service
Also, please keep in mind that beginning immediately, active employees will be able to view and print their 2015 W-2 from ConnectCarolina Employee Self Service just as they have been able to view and print their 2014 W-2 for the last several weeks. Additionally, former (i.e., inactive) employees will be able to view their 2015 W-2 using ConnectCarolina Employee Self Service by creating a Guest ID. Instructions for doing this are provided at this link.
The memo below will be translated and posted to the Online Employee Tax Forms webpage:
The following communication will be sent to all University employees via a Formal Notice email. Individuals who need technical assistance viewing or printing their personal W-2 form should contact the Help Desk at 962-HELP. Individuals should contact Payroll Services at if they are unable to print their W-2 after working with the Help Desk.
2015 marks the first year that both online and paper W-2s will be distributed to active and inactive University employees. We hope that this move to online W-2 distribution is a convenience to you and staff in your schools/divisions.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance in helping get W-2s distributed timely.
Access to 2015 W-2s via Self Service
Dear University Employee,
Effective immediately, employees will be able to view and print their 2015 W-2 from ConnectCarolina Employee Self Service just as they have been able to view and print their 2014 W-2 for the last several weeks.
You also will receive a printed W-2 for tax year 2015.
Later in 2016, employees will be able to opt out of receiving a paper W-2 and utilize the self-service option. The new self-service option offers the following benefits:
- Active employees can access and print their W-2s for 2014 and after at any time, 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The functionality can be especially useful for employees who need to access their W-2 information in a timely manner when applying for personal loans and other banking needs. (W-2s for years prior to 2014 will not be available on ConnectCarolina.)
- The electronic W-2 is just as official as the paper version you normally receive from Payroll Services – no special paper is needed.
Employees who have technical problems viewing or printing their W-2 should contact the Help Desk at 962-HELP.
Step-by-step instructions and user tips for how to find your W-2 can be found on the ConnectCarolina User website Online Employee Tax Forms page: