To: MOU Leads
University Business Managers
From: Chandrika Rao, Director, Accounting Services
Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services
Vanessa Peoples, Deputy Director, Office of Sponsored Research
Date: June 24, 2015
Since October 2014, there have been many campus-wide petty cash reimbursement transactions submitted and recorded to ConnectCarolina GL cash account 111801 instead of appropriate expense accounts. In order to expedite the corrections given the approaching fiscal year-end, Accounting Services, OSR and Disbursement Services, have identified these transactions and will be processing correcting entries. These entries will credit GL cash account 111801 and debit GL expense accounts at the aggregate level (not at the transactions level that the campus submitted as vouchers for petty cash reimbursement). These correcting entries with OSR Chartfield strings will be expensed to “Study Subject Payments” (GL account 514810). All correcting entries with non-OSR chartfield strings will be expensed to “Miscellaneous Obligation“ (GL account 558920).
If you have questions concerning OSR transactions, please contact Jennifer Gwaltney at 919-843-1988 or If you have questions concerning non-OSR transactions, please contact Yiwen Wang at 919-962-4245 or Appropriate configuration changes have been made to prevent petty cash reimbursement from being posted directly to GL cash account 111801.