To: University Business Managers
FYI, this message was sent earlier to MOU Leads.
To: MOU Leads
From: Fran Dykstra, AVC for Enterprise Applications, ITS
Andy Johns, AVC for Research, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
RE: Change in labor charges for grants going to suspense
Date: May 5, 2015
Last week, University administrators approved a temporary measure to reduce the number of labor expenses going to suspense. While labor expenses should not be charged to a project after its funding end date, ConnectCarolina system controls that send such expenses to suspense will soon be lifted. Campus will need to monitor these expenses and move them to appropriate funds when necessary. Given this change, new suspense activity should decline.
We have targeted this change to be active by May 22 before the distribution of the B23 and M11 payrolls but after the distribution of the B22 payroll.
This change, once implemented, will affect only future payroll distributions. Campus will still need to move labor expenses that are already in suspense to other sources.
For more information on labor expenses (encumbrances) and retroactive funding transfers, see this page: