To: MOU Leads
HR Officers
Business Managers
Finance Liaisons
HR Liaisons
From: Fran Dykstra, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Enterprise Applications, Information Technology Services
Scott Jackson, Executive Director, Enterprise Reporting and Department Systems, Information Technology Services
Brian Smith, Asst. Vice Chancellor, Finance and Accounting
Date: April 21, 2015
A new report in InfoPorte was released on Monday, April 6, that projects labor expenses through the end of the fiscal year. Effective April 20, in addition to salary earnings, benefit and tax projections are now available in this report.
To recap, the salary projections report is meant to provide an estimate of anticipated labor-related costs. Costs are projected out through 6/14/15 for biweekly and 6/30/15 for monthly, regardless of funding end date. Individuals who manage sponsored projects for which the project end date is later than June 30, 2015, may use information on anticipated costs per month to calculate anticipated labor costs after that date. By the end of the fiscal year, we plan to have more robust and accurate labor projection reporting available through the funding end date, whether that is the end of the fiscal year or the project end date.
Contact the Business Systems Help Desk if you have questions about this report.