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To:     MOU Leads
Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Date: April 2, 2015

Beginning April 2, users will be able to delete vouchers they have personally entered; and will no longer have to contact Disbursement Services.

Users can now delete their own vouchers in ConnectCarolina as long as the voucher has never been posted. The navigation to this functionality is Finance Menu>Accounts Payable>Vouchers>Add/Update>Campus Voucher Delete. Only vouchers eligible for deletion will appear when user searches for vouchers from this page. Users can only delete vouchers that s/he personally entered into the system, so if an employee has left a department after they entered a voucher that needs deletion, the request must still go through Disbursement Services. The contact for such a request is Mahdi Altamimi at or 919-962-0747.

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