This Finance Division Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division. We will send updates weekly and as needed.
Top Issues
- November Month-End Close: Central offices officially closed the month of November today. This includes the transmission and reconciliation of all November transactions, and state approval to close the month.
- Customer Billing Management (CBM): The remaining annual EHS charges are available in CBM for review and chartfield modification. Due to the MLK, Jr. holiday, the processing date for all CBM transactions will be changed from Jan 22 to Jan 23.
- Receiving:
- When adding an attachment during the receiving process, the user must first add a comment before uploading the attachment in order for the attachment to be “saved.” This new information will be added to the Purchasing and Receiving guide.
- Following are some tips to help central office serve you better when viewing your scanned copies of ConnectCarolina screens:
- Please ensure all scans are readable – many of the scanned screen shots are draft quality and are very difficult to read.
- If multiple invoices for the same PO need to be received, please include Excel spreadsheet or Word document with the following information, with total quantity or amount to receive:
PO number PO line number Invoice Amount or Quantity to receive - Please include one buyer per attachment and place the buyer name in the email subject line (if one buyer) or place the buyer name on the attachment (if email includes more than one buyer).
- Send emails to only, do not copy buyers or send a separate email.
- ACH Notifications: Email notification for ACH vendor payments are live effective Jan. 13. The notifications will NOT be retroactive to previous payments. This notification enhancement will be phased in starting with vendors. Some employees may be included in the first phase but many will be in later phases.
- Encumbrances: Look for a stand-alone communication about this topic in the next few days.
- Funding end date rules on ePARs:
- For OSR projects:
- The budget end date is used as the funding end date, not the award end date.
- The funding end date can be changed on the ePAR to end earlier than the budget end date, but not later.
- The funding end date field cannot be blank for projects used in combination with funds in the 252XX range.
- The funding end date field can be blank for projects used in combination with funds NOT in the 252XX range (cost share).
The funding end date is not automatically updated on existing grids when the budget end date is extended in Finance. Action has to be taken to pull in the new funding end date.
- For non-projects (State, F&A, Trust):
- The funding end date is assumed to be 6/30/XX.
- The funding end date can be changed to end earlier than 6/30/XX, but not later.
- The funding end date field can be blank for non-projects, since it is assumed to be 6/30/XX.
- For OSR projects:
- December Month-End Close: Central Offices (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) continue to work on December month-end close.
All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Due to the reduced volume of calls after 5 p.m., the hours of the BSHD are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
Suggestions for content can be emailed to