This Finance Division Daily Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs and Finance Division staff. Finance will send these daily updates as needed through the go-live and immediate post-go-live periods. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.
Current Status
We are still live! Note the system availability information below.
Top Issues
- Funding swaps: Users will not be able to apply retroactive funding adjustments to converted data on Oct. 1. A communication on this issue was sent late yesterday and can be viewed at
- Salary encumbrances: Due to a bug, reports will not show labor encumbrances, so “budget balance available” in the system will be higher than actual during this period of time. A detailed communication was sent earlier today.
- ePro 8.9: ePro 8.9 is no longer view only; it is offline, but the technical team is working to get it back online.
- UNC Healthcare user: Some UNC Healthcare staff were not loaded into the system. We know this is an issue and are working to address this.
- Speedchart: We had a question on the call yesterday regarding Speedchart values for the new OSR projects that were added in September. The speedcharts are created when budgets are entered. The budgets from September have not been loaded yet, so those speedchart values have not been created yet. Going forward, when budgets are entered on an OSR project, those speedcharts values will be created.
- Campus Voucher: An issue has been identified with the comment field and apparently users cannot view central office comments and central office cannot see campus user comments. If central office denies a voucher, a comment is required and campus cannot currently see the comments. As a note: most of the comments central office is sending to campus are regarding addresses that cannot be used.
- Workflow: The team discovered an issue impacting workflow routing if the department existed for UNCCH as well as a foundation. This issue has been resolved but will not retroactively correct the workflow of existing transactions. If you have encountered this situation and would like for the transaction to be reinitialized, please create a remedy ticket to the workflow queue.
- Access: We are finding that some TIPs and Trainers did not receive system access. As a reminder, we loaded Finance users based on training enrollment and we found that some TIPs and Trainers didn’t enroll themselves in classes even though they were teaching it. Those users need to put in a ticket to request access to the system.
Important Reminders
- Access: If a user does not have the correct access, please contact the Help Desk.
- System Availability: Detailed information about system availability is available at ePro will be available 24/7. ConnectCarolina Finance will be available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Friday; and from 7 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday; with a maintenance outage window Sunday from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Full 24 hour access is expected to be restored in November.
Resources and Documentation
At, you can find resource documents including student guides, 101 documents and recorded webinars. Computer-based training sessions on a variety of topics are also available.
The first payroll in ConnectCarolina will run this week. Information is available about slight changes to paystubs starting Oct. 3 and how to locate your paystub in ConnectCarolina.
All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (beginning Oct. 1, select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Your help ticket will be answered by a team dedicated to working on Finance questions and issues. Business Systems Help Desk hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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