To: Finance and Joint CWG Members
MOU Leads
Finance TIPs and Trainers
University Business Managers
From: Becky Arnold, Finance Functional Lead, ConnectCarolina
Date: September 24, 2014
I’m writing to let you know the campus mapping of FRS accounts and object codes to ConnectCarolina chartfields has been finalized.
The mapping table can be found in InfoPorte ( through the following tabs: Tools>Data Dictionary>Account Mapping; then type the Account number and select Search. You do not need to login to InfoPorte to access this information.
This mapping information is also located on the following SharePoint page: Although not everyone has access to SharePoint, this page can be accessed by MOU Leads.
Included on this page are spreadsheets for:
- FRS accounts (general ledger) to their new ConnectCarolina chartfield strings
- FRS accounts (subsidiary ledger) to their new ConnectCarolina chartfield strings
- FRS object codes to their new ConnectCarolina accounts
- New ConnectCarolina department information
- Several campus units are now actively using chartfield strings in their business processes. This information may be helpful for converting any of your legacy FRS data collect batch information to its new ConnectCarolina chartfield strings. If you cannot access this website, or if you have any questions, please let me know.