To: University Business Managers
Finance Employees
From: Troy Howell, Finance Training Coordinator
Date: September 3, 2013
There will be an outage affecting ConnectCarolina and other systems on Wednesday, Sept. 4, beginning at 5 p.m. and ending at approximately midnight Thursday, Sept. 5, as part of the Fall census activities. Census is the official University enrollment reporting date. Due to the need to “freeze” the database to take the census snapshot, users will not be able to access ConnectCarolina pages beginning at 5 p.m. on Sept. 4. Please log out of ConnectCarolina by 5 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.
During the outage, the following functions may experience limited and/or no functionality:
- ConnectCarolina
- ePro
- Some Guest ID and Onyen update services
- UNC Directory (lookups available, but not updates)
- UNC Online Application (Summer School, Nursing, Part-time Studies, etc.)
- UNC Guest ID creations
- TouchNet (students and third party proxies cannot pay bills; applicants cannot pay enrollment deposits)
- Affiliate
- Check Request
- Web Travel
- Web Vendor
- Friday Center Applications (CPPSReg, PDEPReg, CEU, FCCPS)
- EPAWeb (New Hire Actions Only)
- Applicant Web (Employees cannot update their PID under their Applicant Profile)
- FACS II Administration
- PID Create
- PID Inquiry
- ConnectCarolina reporting environment (HRRPT)
- Reporting tools (OBIEE, EPM and WebFocus)
- ImageNow
- Student Stores applications (i.e., ordering textbooks)
If you experience any problems, please contact the Help Desk at 919-962-HELP.