To: University Business Managers
From: Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Services
Date: August 12, 2013
Please note the E-Print online report dated Aug. 7, 2013, is the backup for the Monthly 13 (02,04,06) report which represents retro charges for employer rate changes for Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement Program (TSERS) as well as the University of North Carolina Optional Retirement Program (ORP).
Effective July 1, 2013, the employer rate change for TSERS went from 14.23% to 14.69%. Reports have been run retroactively and include the additional amounts for BiWeekly 27, BiWeekly 01, Summer School 03, Summer School 04 and Monthly 01.
The ORP additional employer rate changed from 5.74% to 5.84% and is included on the reports for Monthly 01, Summer School 03 and Summer School 04 if applicable. * Please use these E-Print reports to assist you in balancing your accounts for July 1, 2013, and onward.*
Note: This memo is also being sent to Human Resources Officers.