Storr Office Environments now available in eProcurement
Effective today, the Storr Office Environments catalog is available as an eProcurement Vendor Catalog. You will be able to log in to eProcurement, place your order with Storr, and have it billed to your University account. All future purchases from Storr need to be made through ePro or through a purchase requisition (for orders greater than $5,000). Orders can only be placed with this vendor through Vendor Catalog or Purchase Order.
Please note: some items in the Storr catalog have 5000 object codes. If you receive an Invalid value error message after clicking Save & preview approvals, expand each line of the order by clicking the “ ” icon, and click the magnifying glass to see a list of valid object codes for any object code highlighted in red.
If you have problems with or questions about ePro, contact the Help Desk by calling 919-962-HELP or by creating a help request from the UNC website. In the “Type of Help Needed” field, choose CONNECTCAROLINA_ePROCUREMENT so that your request is routed correctly.
To view a variety of training options and materials, visit the ConnectCarolina ePro training page