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To:    Campus Business and Financial Managers
From: Stan Waddell, Interim AVC, Infrastructure and Operations and CTO, ITS
Date: March 26, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

This is a follow-up communication to the March 13, 2013, memo for Retroactively Adjusted CommTech Core Data Charges.  ITS, with the assistance of Accounting Services, has completed the actions necessary to create retroactive FRS journal entries. These journal entries will make account adjustments for any retroactive salary sources changes between July and December 2012.

In order to have core data services charges move with the salary source change, we have initiated the following for salary source changes effective between 7/1/2012 and 12/31/2012:

  • A change from a non-Contracts & Grants source to another non-Contracts & Grants source will move the charge
  • A change from a Contracts & Grants source to a non-Contracts & Grants source will calculate and apply the correct core data services charge;
  • A change from a non-Contracts & Grants source to a Contracts & Grants source will refund the core data services charge.

ITS will provide the journal entry file to FRS on March 26 for overnight processing and you should see the transactions on March 27.

  • Every salary source retro action processed via payroll with an effective date between July 1 and Dec 31 will be a part of this correction.  As a result if you have already created a journal to move the money, it will be moved again based on the original and new salary sources.
  • FRS journal entry transactions will be summed at the account level
  • Report 02-04-06 – Combined will be in ePrint with details
  • The cycle for these transactions will be RJV

Again, we apologize for this problem. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me (

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Stan Waddell
Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Infrastructure and Operations and CTO
ITS Manning
211 Manning Dr
Chapel Hill NC 27599

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