To: University Business Managers
Finance Division Staff
From: Dennis Press, Chair, Finance Division Extra Mile Award Committee
Date: April 26, 2012
REMINDER: Nominations for the Finance Division’s 2012 EXTRA MILE AWARD are still being accepted. The EXTRA MILE AWARD was established to recognize the individual accomplishments of Finance Division employees who truly “go the extra mile” for you. Please take this opportunity to nominate a Finance Division employee who consistently provides you and your department with exceptional customer service. A total of five Finance employees will be selected from your nominations and will be recognized at this year’s Finance Division Employee Appreciation Event in May.
An EXTRA MILE AWARD nomination form with instructions, a more detailed description of the award program, including eligibility and nomination guidelines, can be found at the Finance Division’s website.
Nomination forms should be submitted to the EMAP Committee Chair, CB# 1225, by April 30, 2012. On behalf of the Extra Mile Award Committee, thank you for recognizing the employees deserving of this award.