To: Business Managers
University Accounting Personnel
From: Troy Howell, Finance Training Coordinator
Date: April 23, 2012
The Office of the State Controller will conduct a Webinar entitled, “Hot Topics Related to Internal Control: Fraud and Whistleblowing,“ on May 22. This training will be provided at no charge to all state agencies, universities, and community colleges.
Due to the limited number of available software licenses, OSC can only accommodate one registration per state agency. They have requested that participants at each agency view the webinar in a group setting with a site administrator, in this case Finance Training, to facilitate the Webinar.
This webinar will be shown in Toy Lounge, which is located on the 4th floor of Dey Hall and offers the opportunity to receive two (2) CPE credits. You must register by May 14. See the announcement and agenda at for more details.