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To:    TIM Administrators

From: TIM Support

Date: April 4, 2012

Some users have reported that they have not been able to log into TIM.  ITS is currently working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. When we have more information, we will send out another communication.

In the meantime, please notify the employees in your department(s) of the following information as soon as possible:

Some users have reported that they have not been able to log into TIM.

If you are a Student, Temporary, or Non-Exempt  employee set to Time Capture and are not able to log in, please open a web browser and log into the HTML version of TIM using this web address,  If needed, notify your Manager of your times in and out worked that were not captured in TIM.

Please note that all Badge Terminals and TeleTime are operating normally.

If you are a Manager or TIM Administrator who cannot log into TIM and need access to TIM right away, please call 919-962-HELP for assistance.

If you are an employee who enters your time into your timecard and do not need access to TIM right away, please log into TIM later this week.

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