To: University Business Managers
Finance Staff
From: Janet Kelly-Scholle, Finance Communications and Training
Date: July 12, 2011
This notice is to inform you all that the planned FRS Fiscal Year end close process is scheduled to be performed this weekend and is expected to begin at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 15 through Monday morning, July 18. Users should log off FRS and HRIS by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 15.
What this means is that FRS and systems that rely on it will be down during this time period and any users attempting to log in will receive the error that their account has been suspended.
Please note that this schedule is contingent on the University receiving a state-level decision by Friday, July 15 on its requests for carryforward of certain State Funds receipts and appropriations. If the state-level decision is still pending, a revised FRS year-end close schedule will be communicated to you.
Major systems/services that will be affected are:
- Finance Central, FRED Inbox (Journal Entry, Purchasing, Account Request, Web Travel, and Web Vendor Request); Central Airfare Billing; Departmental Deposits; e-Print; FRED Admin Options; IT Purchases System (ITP); Online P-Card; Blue Book; Unit Accounting System; and all eProcurement/e-Commerce applications.
- Finance Data Warehouse
- Finan$eer
- Finance WebFocus
All Financial Systems and HR Systems for personnel actions are expected to be back up and running normally by Tuesday, July 19.
Note: A notification has been sent to HRIS users.