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To: TIM Administrators, HR Facilitators
From: Dennis Press, University Controller
Re: Manager Approval Process for TIM Administrators
Date: October 13, 2010

Recently a new business rule was implemented that discontinued the ability of TIM Administrators to enter their own names as their TIM Time Approver in InPower / HRIS. Feedback from a number of TIM Administrators indicated the need for a process to ensure effective internal control to avoid self-approval of timecards for TIM Administrators.

For example, some departments may only have one TIM Administrator, and some TIM Administrators have indicated they have no option but to approve their own time in the system. These TIM Administrators are currently printing out their timecards from TIM, or creating their own formatted sheets, and requesting their Supervisors sign them for approval.

In order to provide electronic documentation of Manager approval of TIM Administrators’ timecards in TIM, the process for Manager approval of TIM Administrators’ timecards will be revised.  The TIM Administrators Manual and Payroll policy and procedure will be updated to reflect the following change:

Manager approval for a TIM Administrator shall be accomplished by:

  1. The Supervisor of the TIM Administrator applies Manager approval using the TIM  System OR
  2. The TIM Administrator prints a Time Detail Report from TIM, obtains the Supervisor’s signature, and has a designated third person at the School or Division level apply Manager approval in TIM for the Supervisor.

In order to allow time for campus units to modify their internal procedures, this change is effective
January 1, 2011.

For questions regarding who should serve as the designated third person at the School or Division level, please contact your current Supervisor or the Administrative Unit in your School or Division. For questions concerning the TIM Time Approver in InPower/HRIS, please submit a Help ticket online or by calling 919-962-HELP (4357). If you have questions about processing Manager Approval in TIM, please email Thank you.

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