To: University Business Managers
University Accounting Personnel
From: Emily Coble, Cash Manager
Date: January 6, 2010
This memorandum is for all departments with imprest checking accounts. All other departments, please disregard the following.
Beginning with the December 2009 imprest bank statements, which will be received in January 2010, all departments will begin receiving image statements. With image statements, canceled checks will no longer be returned with the bank statements; instead the bank statements will include images of the front and back of the checks. These images will have five (5) checks to a page [ten (10) images – front and back], with the checks in serial number order.
Accounting Services is also in the process of confirming the contact list for the imprest checking accounts. Please send the requested information below to Gayle Rice in Accounting Services at or CB# 1210 for all imprest checking accounts by Friday, January 15, 2010.
If you have any questions, please contact Emily Coble at 962-1601 or
- Imprest Checking Account Number:
- Imprest Account Name:
- Department Name:
- Department Number:
- Campus Box:
- Contact Name:
- Contact Phone Number:
- Contact Email:
- Back up Contact Name:
- Backup Contact Phone Number:
- Backup Contact Email: