To: Business Managers
University Accounting Personnel
From: Chandrika Rao, Director, Accounting Services
Vanessa Peoples, Director, Reporting & Cash Management OSR
The Finance Division is pleased to announce Cash Advance Settlement reconciling journal entries for OSR and Accounting Services can be submitted using the online Journal Entry system effective September 15, 2009.
The Cash Advance Settlement entry is designed for university departments to reconcile their cash advances in a more efficient and timely manner. Initial, partial, or final reconciliation entries may be created and processed online using the FRED approval routing. Original receipts, along with a confirmation page and cover sheet, will then be sent to either OSR or Accounting Services for verification and approval.
Policies governing the use and reconciliation of cash advances will not change. Please see the OSR website; or Accounting Services Finance Policy & Procedure Manual: Cash Advances.
The online journal entry system is accessed through Finance Central. The journal entry manuals can be found on the Finance Division website under Training.
All users should review the manual prior to submitting a cash advance settlement reconciling entry. All departments will be required to use the online Cash Advance Settlement system effective November 1, 2009.
Please share this information with your FRED administrator, staff, and faculty as appropriate.
If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Training Coordinator, 919-843-3069 or e-mail