To: Business Managers
From: Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance
Date: September 14, 2009
The Finance organization has undertaken a review of its reporting levels and span of control in response to the recommendations in the Bain report. As appropriate, each director has provided or will provide separate communication on the restructuring within his/her area of responsibility. This email is to communicate the changes for those individuals reporting directly to me as Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance.
Effective immediately, DeAhn Baucom, Director of Student Accounts and University Receivables, will report to me. Mark Kozel, Director of Financial Systems and Controls is being reassigned full time as Finance ERP Liaison to the ConnectCarolina project. All individuals reporting to Mark will report directly to me.
As a result of these changes and others implemented by the directors within Finance, the levels have been reduced from 8 to 6 and the span of control has increased from 3.9 to 7.0, the approximate targets suggested by the consultant for the Finance area.
Due to the number of organizational changes that have taken place in Finance, it will likely be a while before our websites are in alignment with the new reporting structure. Please be patient as we realign our formal communication tools to the new reporting structure. Thank you.