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To:      Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs
University Business Managers

From:  Interdepartmental Fees & Charges Committee Co-Chair
Dennis Press, University Controller

Date:  September 8, 2009

This email provides a follow-up to the notification dated 07/27/09 regarding requests for interdepartmental fees and charges. In accordance with the Campus Interdepartmental Fees & Charges (IF&C) policy and procedure, requests for new interdepartmental fees, revisions to existing interdepartmental fees, and the elimination of interdepartmental fees that will go into effect during Fiscal Year 2010-11 must be submitted to the IF&C Committee no later than September 15, 2009. Rate increases and new fees received after the deadline will not be considered. The rate review and approval process must be completed and rate revisions and new fees announced to the campus no later than February 15, 2010, in advance of next year’s Annual Budget Hearing Process.

Please refer to the 07/27/09 notification for additional information.  Thanks.

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